Tuesday, August 19, 2014

ITC 53 - IT OJT Visit Day

The last school year for the graduating batch 2015 has started last June 2, 2014. For many BSIT seniors, this is also day 1 of their On-the-Job Training outside the university. As the 1st Semester is only intended for their OJT class, they are exposed to the different settings in the IT sector of which they are currently employed as interns to IS divisions of their chosen companies.

Last Friday, August 7, the OJT advisers gave them surprise company visits to see how they perform and manifest their IT skills outside JRU.

The first group of BSIT interns are employed at the country's leading telecommunications service provider, Philippine Long Distance Company.

In this photo are OJT Advisers Ms. Gatpandan, Ms. Taduyo, Ms. Valderama, a representative of the Enterprise Service Assurance Department, and the BSIT student interns as System Training Assistants and Inventory Assistants.
Ms. Gatpandan checks what an Application Developer and Quality Assurance Engineer interns do on a normal working day.
Interns for the System Training Department
Interns for the Service Quality Department
The last intern visited at PLDT has the responsibilities of a Main Distribution Frame Assistant.
Next stop: Below is the photo of a BSIT intern having her On-the-Job Training at the Home Development Mutual Fund (Pag-Ibig) as an IT Support Personnel. Here the OJT advisers are having a conversation with the department's IT Officer which is also her immediate supervisor.

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